Privacy Policy


1.- Identification.



NIF: B-84479146

Address: Calle Ortega y Gasset, 49, 1 º B

Locality: Madrid

CP: 28006

Province: MADRID

Country: Spain


Phone: 911 968 684


2.- Information and consent.

By accepting this privacy policy, the user is informed and gives his/her free and specific consent so that the personal data provided through our web sites hereinafter, the “website”, and those that can facilitate by Other means or in the future, are treated by CORPUS CONSULTING & SERVICES, SL, in the remainder of document called the responsible.


3.- Obligation to provide the data.

The data requested in the forms of the Web site are obligatory except that in the indicated field it is indicated otherwise. If they are not facilitated or not done correctly, the user’s request cannot be addressed.

The user will be able to freely view the content of the Web site if he accepts the use of cookies, if not it will be invited to leave the Web site or to navigate, if the case, by content without cookies.


4.- For what purpose will the user’s personal data be treated? -What is the legitimation of the user’s data processing?

The personal data provided through the website will be treated by the responsible person according to the following purposes:

a.- For contractual fulfillment purposes.

To comply with the agreements in the supply of products or services that you hire us and to be able to carry out them according to the conditions exposed in each case. Also for the establishment of agreements and labor contracts.

Cause of legitimation RGPD article 6.1 (b) treatment is necessary for the execution of a contract in which the person concerned is a party or for the application at the request of such pre-contractual measures;


b.- For purposes of commercial communication and information based on your consent.

In order to be able to communicate commercial promotions, product information and novelties, invite you to events and activities, we ask for your consent in an express way, being able to be revoked in a simple way at any time you deem it opportune.

Cause of legitimation RGPD article 6.1 a The interested party gave his consent For the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes


c.- Data provided for the submission of newsletters.

Manage the subscription and/or low of the Newsletter, made through the channel provided on the website of the responsible.

Cause of legitimation RGPD article 6.1 a The interested party gave his consent For the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes


d.- Data provided in contact forms.

To manage the requests of contact and information of the user through the channels arranged for it in the websites of the responsible, to answer the asked request.

Cause of legitimation RGPD article 6.1 (f) Treatment is necessary for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the person responsible for the treatment or by a third party, provided that the interests or rights and freedoms of such interests do not prevail. Fundamentals of the person concerned that require the protection of personal data, in particular when the person concerned is a child.


e.- Navigation data provided.

Perform analysis on the use of the website and check the preferences and behavior of the users.

Cause of legitimation RGPD article 6.1 (f) Treatment is necessary for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the person responsible for the treatment or by a third party, provided that the interests or rights and freedoms of such interests do not prevail. Fundamentals of the person concerned that require the protection of personal data, in particular when the person concerned is a child.


5.- What information will the user be responsible for?

Responsible will deal with the following categories of personal data depending on the request or request made by the user:


-Personal characteristics-social circumstances-academics and professionals-employment details-commercial-economic, financial and insurance information-Transactions of goods and services-navigation data-codes or keys of identification of User and/or holder.


6.- With which recipients will the user’s data be shared?

The user’s data, depending on the relationship that is established and always with his authorization, could be communicated to:

-Organizations or people directly related to the person in charge.

-Social security agencies.

-Tax administration.

-Notaries and solicitors.

-security forces and bodies.

-Banks, savings and rural boxes.

-Insurance companies.

-Public administration with competence in the matter.


7.- International data transfers.

We inform you that your data could always be transferred with your prior authorization:

– Organizations or people directly related to the person responsible.

– Service providers.


8.- Data preservation.

A.- For contractual fulfillment purposes.

The data will be retained during the validity of the contract and, once completed, during the limitation period of the legal actions that may derive from it.


B.- For purposes of commercial communication and information based on your consent.

The data will be retained as long as the user does not revoke the consent granted.


C.- Data provided for the submission of newsletters.

The data will be retained as long as the user does not revoke the consent granted.


D.- Data provided in contact forms.

The data will be retained as long as the user does not revoke the consent granted, during the validity of the requested service and, once completed, during the limitation period of the legal actions that may derive from it.


E.- Navigation data provided.

The data will be retained as long as the user does not revoke the consent granted.


9.- User responsibility.

The user guarantees that he or she is of age and that the data provided to the person responsible are true and updated. The user will keep the information provided properly updated.

The user guarantees that he has informed the third parties of those who provide data, if so, of the aspects contained in this document, guaranteeing in turn that he has obtained his authorization to provide his data to responsible.

The user will be responsible for the false or inaccurate information provided through the website and the damages, direct or indirect, that this causes to the responsible or to third parties.


10.- Exercise of rights.

The user can send a letter to the person responsible, to the postal or electronic address indicated in the heading of this policy, attaching a photocopy of their identity document or equivalent document, at any time and for free, for:

Revoke the consent granted.

Get confirmation about whether the person in charge is dealing with personal data concerning you.

Access your personal data.

Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.

Obtain from the responsible the limitation of the processing of the data when any of the conditions foreseen in the current legislation of data protection are fulfilled.

Request the portability of the data provided in those cases foreseen in the current legislation of data protection.

To lodge a complaint with the Spanish agency of data protection in the address Calle de Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, if he considers that the person responsible does not treat his data according to law.


11.- Security measures.

The person responsible shall deal with the user’s data at all times confidentially and with the obligation of secrecy in respect of the same, in compliance with what is advised and envisaged in EU regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of its data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data And the risks to which they are exposed.


Last update: June 8, 2018.